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New Information! May 10, 2024

Silent Auction:  Bring an item for the Silent Auction if you want to donate something interesting from your hometown, state or area; or something in the general Dodge Brothers Car realm.  The Silent Auction will close at 4:00 pm, Friday.  


Poker Draw:  This will be explained more on Monday at the lunch.  To encourage you to see Brookings and the wonderful museums and places there are to explore, we will be selling “Passes” with 5 lines on them.  As you drive and explore Brookings on your free time/evenings, you can write the places you visit on the “Pass”.  At the Banquet, turn the completed Passes into the ‘Dealers’ who will deal you 5 cards from the deck and the players with the best poker hands will win prizes. 


Tech Session: 9:00 am, Friday.  Applying current technology for communication and safety; device charger (phone, computer, Garmin) and signal lights.  Room TBD 

If anyone has a subject to present or something you are interested in, let me know.  We can put together people who are looking for information and those who have experience & knowledge to share.  If you are one or the other, or both, let me know and we will make time.


Swap Meet/Show & Shine:  Both will take place in the parking lot on Friday – Noon to 4:00 pm.  Bring a table for your swap meet items if needed.

The Wilbert Restaurant/Pub will have a lunch available at your own expense.  They usually open at 4:00 pm so this is a convenience for us on our busy Friday.


Book Group: Friday morning, we can have a book group discussion of life on the prairie by reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books that took place in her young life around the town of DeSmet.  Room TBD.  Books include: By the Shores of Silver Lake; The Long Winter; Little Town on the Prairie.


Banquet:  In the Wilbert Square Event Center ballroom with Social Hour at 5:30 pm. 

Although there is no ‘dress code’ for the banquet, it is fun to wear something special.  Vintage clothing is often a favorite.  This year we also encourage a thought to Prairie attire or Western Wear.  Have fun planning! 


Trailer Parking:   There is a field across 25th Street, owned by the hotel, that will be our trailer parking.  Due to some construction in the area, we are not sure at what point we will be entering the field to park our trailers/tow vehicles.  Be assured that there will be parking nearby and you will receive more information as we are privy to it. 

Week at a glance!

If you like to drive your old car, you will get that opportunity! And if you want to come and explore eastern South Dakota in your modern vehicle, you can have fun with that too!

Just COME!

  • Sunday: Registration and Ice Cream Social

  • Monday: Driving Tour to Oakwood Lakes State Park, lunch at McCrory Gardens, Brookings

  • Tuesday: Drive to Little Town on the Prairie, DeSmet, South Dakota, home of Ingalls and Wilder families

  • Wednesday: Drive to EROS (Earth Resources and Observation Science) Center – Satellite Imagery

  • Thursday: Drive to Watertown, South Dakota, visit Terry Redlin Art Center – South Dakota Artist

  • Friday: Tech Sessions, Book Club, Swap Meet, Show & Shine, Evening Banquet Book Club/Laura Ingalls Wilder books, Banquet dress thoughts: Vintage, Prairie/Farm or Ranch/Western

Check out some great museums in the Brookings area!


South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum

The museum is on the SDSU Campus 


Hours: M-Sat 10:00 am – 5:00 pm,
Sunday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Many interesting permanent and current exhibitions


Joseph Hutton, one of the first soil scientists of South Dakota, brought a new concept to the state that not all soil was the same and that different soils required different farming practices to be sustainable. Since his arrival in 1911, Hutton studied the effects of the farming practices of the day depleted the soil nutrients and caused erosion. He predicted the Dust Bowl 20 years before. For Joseph Hutton, soil became a sacred living entity in which sprang all life. He dreamed of a time when man was akin with nature and not the destroyer of it. 


This exhibit was also made possible in part due to a grant from the South Dakota Humanities Council, an affiliate program of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The exhibit will be on display from February 2023 – Fall 2024. 

South Dakota Art Museum on the SDSU Campus

South Dakota Art Museum on the SDSU Campus


Hours: Monday-Friday 10 am – 5 pm,
Saturdays: 10 am – 4 pm


March 16, 2024 - July 14, 2024


South Dakota Art Museum


Termespheres provide "an optical illusion: an inside-out view of the total physical world around you on the outside surface of a hanging and rotating sphere. [They] capture the up, down and all around visual world from one revolving point in space. Most of the time these spheres are painted on the outside so it takes a six-point perspective system to keep all of this environment around you organized." - Dick Termes


Explore the world of Dick Termes through this selection of 24 Termespheres. Termes was raised in Spearfish, received his bachelor’s degree in education from Black Hills State University and began a career as an educator. It was during this period that Termes discovered his passion for sharing ideas. Eventually he decided to pursue his own art full-time and in 1992, he opened the Termesphere Gallery just outside of Spearfish that has been visited by thousands of art enthusiasts from around the globe. You can also enter the world of Termes through a virtual reality experience, which will be available for use in-person.


The Prairie is My Garden

May 25, 2024 - September 15, 2024


South Dakota Art Museum


The title of Harvey Dunn’s quintessential prairie painting, "The Prairie is My Garden," serves as a springboard for this exhibition which considers the human connection to the land that we now know as South Dakota.

Primoridial Shift 1.jpeg

Primordial Shift: The Art of Michael Meilahn

APRIL 13, 2024 - JULY 14, 2024



An installation of 32 hand-blown glass ears of corn suspended on stalks of cast bronze and blown glass, tethered with rope from the ceiling combined with audio and video projected as a backdrop to create an illusion of corn gently swaying in the field.


Also the Brookings County Historical Museum in Volga SD 6 miles west of Brookings


Hours: Daily 1:00-4:00


The museum has 5 separate and interesting buildings:
Main museum, horse-drawn museum, farm equipment building, log cabin and a rural school.

©2025 Dodge Brothers Club, Inc.

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